Information Service

Everything you need :Oa cfd broker – so that we can stay in touch & trade together
Everything you need :Oa basic education – in order not to lose money so quickly
Everything you need :Oan online newspaper – to stay up to date every day

Damir Galić

Founder, Director and/or Responsible of
the Info Service Content of Današnja Valuta Ltd.

I Informing you about WallStreet – that’s my job. This is your benefit on DEVISE 2 DAY. That’s why I founded Današnja Valuta Ltd. with my cousin (son of the sister of my father). Where we not only provide you a daily affiliate ad-financed free DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. No – you can also take part in a free one-year training course. Where you can learn to organize yourself and/or also find out everything you need to know about WallStreet, especially CFD trading. This is especially true if you have another full-time job on a daily basis – and also want to stay informed about WallStreet on a daily basis. From now on, take 1 hour a day (even better, 2 hours) and after a year you will be more than amazed at how you have developed into a top WallStreet informed – a CFD professional. So that you too can then open another second new account.

Marko Horvat

Co-Founder, Co-Director and/or Responsible of
the Info Service Distribution of Današnja Valuta Ltd.

It is my job to ensure that you receive all the information we provide about WallStreet at any time without any technical problems. And not just on this D2D 2 DAY Homepage. But also on the 3 others – Newspaper D2D Homepage, Training D2D Homepage, and/or Broker D2D Homepage. That’s why I founded Današnja Valuta GmbH with my cousin (son of the brother of my mother). So that you can find out more about WallStreet, about the price actions on the financial market, whenever you want, from wherever you can, provided you have a working internet connection, at any time without any problems. And or especially about CFDs (CFD investing and/or CFD trading. This is especially true if you have another full-time job every day – and also want to stay informed about WallStreet on a daily basis. So I assume that all informations are readily available if I don’t receive any criticism from you.

Damir Galić

I was born on August 29th 1978, as the son of my father Ivan Galić and/or son of my mother Manda Galic (nee Grizelj), in Stuttgart / Germany. I currently earn my living as a salesman in a supermarket in my home town. And sell fish, cheese, salami, sausages and meat behind the fresh food counter. I am single – and not (yet) married…

You may find it a bit unusual that I am so offensive about the fact that I am currently mainly earning my living in a supermarket. And in addition – in my free time – I deal with the price action on the financial market. But believe me, and or do your own scientific research: Most financial market participants, distributed around the globe, do NOT make their money mainly with the help of price action in the financial market. What you can understand with every tax return. No! My point is? We – working family members (whether grandfathers, fathers, uncles, nephews, sons, and/or grandchildren) – are in the majority of the so-called market. We`re the mass of anonymous traders and/or investors, as I like to call it. And that’s exactly why I’ve decided to accompany you, yes exactly you, as “Aaron”, in the form of an “Info Broker Agent”.

Of course, I would also like to earn my living one day with this activity with DEVISE 2 DAY, as “Aaron” as an “Info Broker Agent”. But for that I need you, I need your help: Put your training plan into action, subscribe to my online newspaper, and/or open a new additional complimentary CFD trading account. Because if more people read my online newspaper and/or open a new CFD trading account, the more I earn. Not to mention if I should finally find a publisher who is willing to publish my books.

Put your training plan into action!
Your training plan is a guide to self-instruction – by me.
Not after a day. And not after a week – but may be after a month and/or a quarter. And certainly after a year you will be amazed at how you have not only learned to concentrate on what you can influence while participating in the financial market. But also how you have learned to manage your full-time job and/or family life.

Subscribe to my online newspaper!
It’s free and published daily (at least 200 times each calendar year).
Whether central bank informations, economic data, current trading capabilities on the foreign exchange market, other global scenarios that (do not) influence the price action, and/or a technical analysis with a concrete entry, target and/or exit price, that you can get and a lot more in every DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. Everything that anyone needs to know about what drives the market – and has another full-time job during the day needs to earn a living.

Open a new additional complimentary CFD trading account!
When you open a new cfd trading account we connect with each other.
And that, thanks to the wonder of the internet, up to 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. So that i will analyze, evaluate, and/or also formulate 4XSetUps for you within 48 hours; if you want. I also go into your personal, individual, subjective training experiences. So that we support each other to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, please only open a new CFD trading account with a maximum of 50% of your current total portfolio value. So that we can learn to correctly classify our successes and failures in retrospect.

I started expressing my opinion on social media more than 10 years ago. And used the pseudonym “Aaron”. Because more than 20 years ago, a veteran of Wall Street sketched me as “Aaron” when I wanted to be hire from him. But we didn’t agree together at the time for private family and/or political party reasons. However, 2 decades later, looking back, I can say that everyone involved, more or less, made the best of it, sooner or later. ‟Aaron”, the brother of Moses – who helped him to lead his people across the red sea, through the ten plagues. And that despite, and/or maybe because of, his golden calf. That`s it! That´s why DEVISE 2 DAY is the answer for you if you want to earn money with price actions on financial market. And you also have another full-time job to earn your living. This is my support for you, in the form of an “Info Broker Agent”.

Of course, you would also like to earn your living one day thanks your trading decissions in the market. That`s why I “Aaron”, your “Info Broker Agent”, offer you help to help yourself: Put your training plan into action, subscribe to my online newspaper, and/or open a new additional complimentary CFD trading account. Because it gives me pleasure to support you: like a father to his son, an uncle to his nephew, a coach to his player, a player to his coach, a nephew to his uncle, a son to his father – just like Aaron Moses.

Put your training plan into action!
Your training plan is a guide to self-instruction – by me.
Organize your everyday life – and your time. And make sure that when you deal with the price action every day, in the future, you only concentrate on what you can influence. And that is, in addition to an overarching time frame, a trading frame (in terms of your information processing and/or trading account management).

Subscribe to the DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper!
It’s free and/or published daily on Trading days (at least 200 times each calendar year).
If you take at least 1 hour a day to participate in the financial market, you can read each D2D Edition within the first max. 30 minutes. In the remaining 30 minutes you can then get informations from the other parties. Just imagine now how competent you will be in a year? After you read at least 200 DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper Editions every day! What you can’t imagine it!? Then subscribe and stay inform, to experience for yourself how you can grow into a competent personality too.

Open a new additional complimentary CFD trading account!
When you open a new cfd trading account we connect with each other.
Trading and/or investing too less, too much transactions, is the greatest addicted desire for resignation of every private participant, who has another main professional activity. And still wants to earn money with the help of the price action on the financial market. Because he’s afraid of making wrong decisions. To get out of this fear, open a new CFD trading account too. And I will support you with numerous other psychological and/or philosophical insights to get out of this negative spiral – too much, too less – of eternity.

Današnja Valuta Ltd.

As an Info Broker Agent, I earn money with my Današnja Valuta Ltd., which I founded and run with my cousin, by giving interested people around the world the opportunity to open a new CFD trading account at a CFD online broker. On behalf of Današnja Valuta Ltd., we have concluded an affiliate partner program with 9 different serious CFD online brokers. And we will be rewarded with a sum when someone open a new CFD trading account. And/Or we get a sum when a certain number of transactions are made. In addition, we have also concluded an affiliate partner program not only with all of our 9 different serious CFD online brokers, but also with TradingView and/or Trading Economics. Who also finance our daily published D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper exclusively. And reward us for it every month. Because for their account holders, even our clients, we write and distribute the D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper exclusively every day, day by day. A broker acts either himself, by instructions of his account holders, and/or on behalf of other people. And is therefore the link between each account holder on the one hand and the stock exchanges on the other. Thats why private individuals and/or institutions cannot trade CFDs without a CFD broker. So my purpose and benefit, as an Info Broker Agent, lies in the fact that, i.e. even like with the help of this Training D2D Homepage too, I try to inform all interested people so competently that they – yes, you too, I mean exactly you, yes, you are meant – make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade).

Why Is The Company Called Današnja Valuta Ltd.?
The name of the company is a translation from German (Devise Von Heute). This information service was originally supposed to be launched in German language. But because of the wonders of the Internet – the ability to communicate more easily around the world – we have decided to operate worldwide and in English language. Even Devise 2 Day – a rhymed English language version. But don`t get us wrong. We don’t hide our roots, let alone glorify our past. And thats why we decided to name our company in our native Croatian language.

How Many Employees Does Današnja Valuta Ltd. Have?
The company has 2 employees. On the one hand, me – Damir Galic. And on the other side Marko Horvat. We are both cousins ​​by blood – as Damir Galic’s father and Marko’s mother’s father, Dominik Galic, were one and the same. Današnja Valuta Ltd. Director and/or Founder is Damir Galić. Današnja Valuta Ltd. Secretary and/or Co-Founder Marko Horvat. Damir Galic – also known to many on the Internet under the pseudonym Aaron – is responsible for the content of the information service. While Marko Horvat ensures that the distribution of our information service always remains problem-free between us and our financiers and/or between us and our clients.21

What Is The Operational Business Of Današnja Valuta Ltd.?
We are purely only an information provider – for everyone who is interested in WallStreet, in the financial market, especially CFD trading. We read, analyze and evaluate publicly available current and/or historical informations (news & data) so that our clients, on Wall Street and in the financial market, especially with the help of CFDs, can make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade). We provide everyone who is interested with basic informations – such as on our Training D2D Homepage. Where anyone interested can get basic knowledge. In addition, we also provide up-to-date daily informations – in our D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. And last but not least, we also provide all of our students and/or readers, even followers, with the opportunity – on our Broker D2D Homepage – to open a new, second CFD trading account. So that together you can make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade) based on your knowledge and ours.

How Does Današnja Valuta Ltd. Make Money With Its Business?
We make money by distributing our information through advertising. And that in the form of our D2D Homepage – Training D2D Homepage, Newspaper D2D Homepage, and/or Broker D2D Homepage. This means that we formulate our information, first and foremost, for our clients. So CFD trading account holders of ActiveTrades,, easyMarkets, eightcap, FXCM,, FXOpen, pepperstone and/or WHselfinvest. We mainly use TradingView as a charting platform. And rely on the news and data from Trading Economics. In addition to the 9 CFD brokers, we also won both as affiliate partners. As an affiliate partner, we mainly earn money when people visit our D2D Homepage and read our D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. And open a new CFD trading account. Or choose TradingView and/or Trading Economics subscription.

On our D2D Homepage we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) provide information about WallStreet, about the financial market, about CFD trading. We act as an information service that reads, analyzes and/or evaluates publicly available informations. So that based on this, we can provide informative support to interested people who are trying to find their luck with the help of CFDs on the financial market, even on WallStreet. Hopefully competent support from our side. Thats why you will primarily only get basic informations on the Training D2D Homepage. In order to first read everything fundamentally on your own in an autodidactic manner. On the Newspaper D2D Homepage, however, there is our D2D Online Newspaper. Which seems up to 250 days a year. And with their help you will be informed about the financial markets, about the WallStreet pragmatic, practical. So that from now on you can be competently informed every day – if you want it too. While on Broker D2D Homepage we are also given you the opportunity to open a new CFD trading account. Where you can try to capitalize on everything you have learned from us, in the truest sense of the word. And with the help of us, especially Aaron, as your supportive companion. In the role of an Info Broker Agent – when you open a new CFD trading account. And also Marko – who will ensure that Aaron’s information always reaches all of our clients who have opened a new CFD trading account on our Broker D2D Homepage. Open also one – and we will stay connect, thanks the wonder of the internet, until 24h a day, 5 days every week, connect.

Basic Informations About This “D2D Homepage”
This D2D Homepage is only an information website – and not an invitation to deal with CFDs and/or to participate in the financial market or on WallStreet. Because we are not a credit institution that handles securities transactions with you. No – we are much more truly an information service that informs you about the price actions on WallStreet, on the financial market, and that also with the help of CFDs. Therefore, always understand our information as trading capabilities – because ultimately, right from the start, you bear both the moral and/or formal legal personal responsibility, not to mention monetary, for your (not) acting – even in the form of CFDs, on the financial market, on the Wall Street. So that we – in the form of our Današnja Valuta Ltd. – neither morally nor formally legally, let alone monetarily, can be held responsible for your resulting profits and/or losses. Find out more about CFDs, the financial market, the WallStreet, even independently of our information service, from your bank, especially from the bank advisor of your bank. We do not fulfill this function. Inform yourself also about the legal framework of the country in which you are currently reading this website – and/or what nationality you are. Because the use of the information remains and is your own personality responsibility. If D2D Homepage does not meet certain moral, legal, as well as monetary requirements – in the country you currently live in and/or whose citizenship you have – we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) hereby request you to leave this D2D Homepage immediately.