Disclosure Of Content


These Website Terms and Conditions were last modified 29th May 2024.
This data protection declaration has been translated from the german language – where inconsistencies occur, the german version will take precedence.

All information on each DEVISE 2 DAY website (this includes devise-2-day.com, training.devise-2-day.com, newsletter.devise-2-day.com and/or broker.devise-2-day.com) isn´t intended for distribution to or use by persons in countries and/or any jurisdictions in which such distribution and/or use is contrary to applicable laws or regulations. All of the content mentioned isnt avaiable to persons residing in countries in which the provision of such services and/or investments is contrary to apllicable laws or regulations. Thats why all readers have naturally their own respnsibility for familiarizing themselves with the laws and/or regulations d isnt available to persons residing in countries in which the provision of such services and/or investments is contrary to applicable laws or regulations. That´s why all readers have naturally their own responsibility for familiarizing themselves with the laws and/or regulations that apply to them and for complying with them. The content isnt to be understood as an invitation and or offer to trade (buy or sell) financial markets instruments and/or any securities to persons with residences in countries, in which the provision of such services and/or investments contravenes the applicable laws or regulation.










Of course, every reader of every DEVISE 2 DAY website assumes the express responsibility for the personal and subjective processing of the information provided. A guarantee for the content in particular tacit guarantees of marketability suitability for a specific purpose or non-infringement of rights can not actually be assumed. Because every DEVISE 2 DAY website is 100% an wrote of the best knowledge & beliefs to inform you about the financial markets daily – day by day. And is of course made available to you without any guarantee of defects. However, no formal legal guarantee for the elimination of any deficiencies or errors can be assumed. And then not even in the event that the information provided does not meet your own personal subjective individual needs or that any of every information is not available without interruptions, promptly, securely or not free of errors.



Each DEVISE 2 DAY website is an informative advertising leaflet, for selected specific Brokers (and their clients). Every single Edition was formulated to the best of our knowledge and belief in order to ensure the accuracy of every information. The information and content are however subject to tacit changes and are made available solely for the purpose of supporting interested readers in their independent trading decisions (buy/sell or do nothing). Of course appropriate measures to ensure the accuracy of the information were taken in advance. However no liability can be assumed for its accuracy let alone for profits but also losses or damage that results directly from the content or the inability to find a certain information in a certain Edition. All content is made available on the date of publication and/or on the date specified and of course can obviously lose its validity due to later events and/or accidents or for other reasons.



As a precautionary measure I would like to point out – Aaron (birth name Damir Galić) – that all my opinions, research, commentaries, and/or detailed overviews, like analyzes, and/or even last but not least technical analyzes, cannot replace individual investment advice from your investment advisor. Everything i wrote is 100% commercially, with 100% of my best knowledge & belief, is 100% informative. And are aimed at all subscribers and or readers with very different investment behavior and therefore do not take personal investment situations into account in any way. The articles, recommendations, charts and/or tables are based on trustworthy information that I – even Aaron (birth name Damir Galić) – consider reliable. However, as the editor I can`t guarantee correctness. Any liability claim, in particular for financial losses resulting from the use of the explanations for one’s own investment decisions, must therefore be formal legal categorically rejected.



Every financial instrument is fraught with risks!
Be clear about this, that in the worst case, there is a risk of total loss!
All information comes from sources which the Editor – even I Aaron (birth name Damir Galić) – consider to be trustworthy without being able to guarantee their correctness. All my my opinions, research, commentaries, and/or detailed overviews, like analyzes and/or synthesis, and/or even last but not least technical analyzes doesn`t constitute an invitation to buy or sell a financial instrument.



Commercial informations, daily, day by day, written by the best of my knowledge & beliefs, from an intrinstic pro-active free market guy even for you, yes especially you, who pursues such a full-time job every day in order to finance his livelihood. Thats my DEVISE 2 DAY websites! Thats yours DEVISE 2 DAY websites! That`s our DEVISE 2 DAY websites! Commercial information, written by the best of my knowledge and beliefs, to inform you to make your own decisions! Thats our business relationship (from self-decider to self-decider)! Where we all formally legally according to the law of the country in which were currently reading also this DEVISE 2 DAY website accordingly (not) trading (long/short) securities and/or derivates, like cfds (contract for differents). Thats why, should we personally be trading certain securities at the time each DEVISE 2 DAY website is formulated, we will also publicly announce this.

Basic Informations About This “D2D Homepage”
This D2D Homepage is only an information website – and not an invitation to deal with CFDs and/or to participate in the financial market or on WallStreet. Because we are not a credit institution that handles securities transactions with you. No – we are much more truly an information service that informs you about the price actions on WallStreet, on the financial market, and that also with the help of CFDs. Therefore, always understand our information as trading capabilities – because ultimately, right from the start, you bear both the moral and/or formal legal personal responsibility, not to mention monetary, for your (not) acting – even in the form of CFDs, on the financial market, on the Wall Street. So that we – in the form of our Današnja Valuta Ltd. – neither morally nor formally legally, let alone monetarily, can be held responsible for your resulting profits and/or losses. Find out more about CFDs, the financial market, the WallStreet, even independently of our information service, from your bank, especially from the bank advisor of your bank. We do not fulfill this function. Inform yourself also about the legal framework of the country in which you are currently reading this website – and/or what nationality you are. Because the use of the information remains and is your own personality responsibility. If D2D Homepage does not meet certain moral, legal, as well as monetary requirements – in the country you currently live in and/or whose citizenship you have – we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) hereby request you to leave this D2D Homepage immediately.